
Banys de Sant Vicenç
Borda Cal Montané
Borda Guiu
Ca l'Antic Joanet
Ca la Lluïsa del Peretó
Cal Baridà
Cal Betriu
Cal Casanova
Cal Castellà 1
Cal Celso
Cal Culí
Cal Farragetes
Cal Font
Cal Fuster
Cal Gabriel
Cal Jan ↓
Cal Masover
Cal Mentruit
Cal Mentruit Paller
Cal Miquel
Cal Moscardó
Cal Niuet
Cal Paller
Cal Pallerola ↓
Cal Pastisser
Cal Pastisser de Taús
Cal Pauet
Cal Penya
Cal Penya 1
Cal Penya 2
Cal Penya 3
Cal Peret
Cal Petit
Cal Pintor
Cal Puigdemasa
Cal Remolins ↓
Cal Roig
Cal Rossa ↓
Cal Rossà Taús
Cal Seratza
Cal Seratza 2
Cal Seratza1
Cal Serni
Cal Silvestre
Cal Tomàs
Cal Ton
Cal Tonarro
Cal Tonet
Cal Tonico
Cal Valls 1
Cal Valls 2
Cal Valls ↓
Cal Víctor
Cal Xico
Cal Xumeu
Can Boix
Can Cortina
Casa Artigues 1
Casa Artigues 2
Casa Artigues ↓
Casa Carlota
Casa Fenollet
Casa Mestre Gros
Casa Tapioles ↓
Casa del Sol
Coll de Port
Coll de la Mola
Cort del Pairot
Cortiuda - Refugi de Muntanya
Càmping Molí de Fórnols
Càmping Oliana
Càmping Organyà
Dolcet l'hotel
Duc Allotjament
El Castell de Ciutat
El Forn del Masover
El Gall Negre
El Jardí. Borda Requena
El Paller de Cal Moscardó
El Paller de Cal Roig
El Paller de Cal Sinca
El Pont d'Ardaix
El Racó de Cal Maró
Els Alous
Els Canonges
Els Hostalets
Era de Cal Bastida
Era de Cal Remolins
Fonda del Llac
Font del Genil
Gran Sol
Hosteria de Toloriu 1848
Hotel Saó
Hotel Ós de Civís
L'Era del Sodhi
L'Hotelet d'Estamariu
La Basseta
La Cabana
La Dolça
La Font
La Glorieta
La Intrèpida
La Jove
La Masia
La Quera
La Rasa
La Serra
La Seu
La Taverna dels Noguers
La Torre Manresà
La Torre d'Ogern
La Valira
La Vall del Cadí
La Verneda
Les Comelles ┘
Les Flors
Lo Mas de Lo Mas
Lo Serradal
Mas La portella
Mas d'en Roqueta
Mas de Sant Vicenç
Masia Cal Paller
Masia Molí de Fórnols
Masia d'en Valentí
Masoveria Mas d'en Roqueta
Masovers de Torriella
Paller de l'Antonet
Paller del Coll de la Mola
Paller del pairot
Parador Nacional
Ras de Conques
Ribera Salada
Taús 1900
Torre del Mig


Alt Urgell slaughterhouse
Alàs Fruit SL
Ana Isabel Garate Losa
Arnau Quingles Colell
Association Menja't l'Alt Urgell
Autoservice Reig SL
Aviram Paquita
Avícola Pla de L'oliva SL
Balasch Sances, Jose Maria
Boix, Joan
Bullich Bakery SL
Ca l'Angol
Cadí pastry shop
Cadí, Sccl
Cal Boixet bakery
Cal Busquets Scp
Cal Duat pastry shop S.C.P.
Cal Gintó, Scp
Cal Majuba cheeses
Cal Margarit
Carns Valira SL
Casa Bernadí
Caviar Pirinea SL
Craft Beer of the Pyrenees Vip
Crosta & Molla SL
David Masferrer
EUGENE Cheeses SL.
Eco Franch
EcoCanemar SL
Ecological Livestock Ca l'Andreu
Eduard Romero Martin
El Jardí dels Sabors de Cal Serni
El gall negre beers and spirits, SL
Elaborats Prepirineu SL
Embotits Espuñes SL
Enrique Simón Segura
Exquisitarium SL
Forn Reig pastry shop
Forn Tahussà
Francesc Buscallà i Ponce
Giovanna pastry shop
Guiu Poultry Slaughterhouse
Jaume Galimany Gil
Jordi Obiols Ribó
Jordina Sanchez Amat
Josep Miró
L'abadessa cheeses
Lebron Segovia, Montserrat
Leiva pastry shop
Llemosina Borda Andria SL
Marc Antoni Mateu Jofre
Mas D'eroles cheeses SL
Matadero General Frigorífico de La Seu D'urgell
Matilde Masana SL
Mitjana butcher shop
Montserrat Charcuterie
Nadia Negru
Natura Bolets SL
Naturquell S.A.
Navines butcher shop
Nogué herbalist
Núria Rossel Matas
Obach SL
Pirenaica Sccl
Pomes del Cadí SL
Pons, Miquel
Santa Fe bakery
Sat Cat La Reula
Seda Líquida SL
Serafí & Dolç Serafí bakery
Serrat Gros cheeses, Sccl
Solé Pallarès pastry shop
Susana Porta Espluga
Tende Scp
Tina ice cream shop
Ubach Pastry shop
Valls-Gol Scp
Ventura bakery
Xamba bakery
Xavier Esteve i Bach
Ángel Livestock

Cultural heritage

Abandoned settlement of Tragó
Abandoned village of Sant Magí
Anthropomorphic tombs of Santa Eugènia de la Torre
Arcavell bunkers
Arsèguel wool factory
Baths of Sant Vicenç spa
Bell tower of Sant Martí de Bescaran
Bescaran Mill
Boixadera mill
Bridge Tower
Bridge and aqueduct of La Boixadera
Bridge d'Espia
Bridge of Arfa
Bridge of Arsèguel
Bridge of Ogern
Bridge of Sant Julià dels Garrics
Bridge of la Tosca
Building of the Homilies
Bunkers in the Rossa forest
Ca l'Ampera of Oliana
Ca l'Armenter
Ca l'Isidro d'Ogern
Cabana Tova shelter
Cal Betriu d'Organyà
Cal Calçot
Cal Duró
Cal Feliuet of Castellciutat
Cal Fiter
Cal Fornesa
Cal Ganyet d'Ogern
Cal Gramunt de Castellbò
Cal Jaumet cement works
Cal Lechero
Cal Llanes
Cal Llangort
Cal Mallol
Cal Molines
Cal Moncasi
Cal Mossèn Poldo
Cal Nequí
Cal Palatín
Cal Pinellet
Cal Ribó de Peramola
Cal Rispa
Cal Rocamora d'Organyà
Cal Roger
Cal Sastret
Cal Serrano
Cal Servós de Castellàs
Cal Soldevila d'Organyà
Cal Tarragona
Cal Xamoeny
Cal don Llorens
Capdevila street fountain
Casa del Corb
Castellbò bridge
Castellciutat castle
Castle of Aguilar
Castle of Alinyà
Castle of Ars
Castle of Arsèguel
Castle of Castellbò
Castle of Castle-llebre
Castle of Noves
Castle of Peramola
Castle of Templers
Castle of la Clua
Castle of the Roc de Racons
Cathedral of Santa Maria of Urgell
Cava castle
Celdoni mill
Chapel of El Roser de Coll de Nargó-River Rafters' Museum
Chapel of El Roser of Organyà
Chapel of Our Lady of Bordes de Conflent
Chapel of Our Lady of Carme
Chapel of Our Lady of Feners
Chapel of Our Lady of Remei de Castellbò
Chapel of Our Lady of Solitude of Arduix
Chapel of Our Lady of the Rosary of Toloriu
Chapel of Sant Antoni dels Hostalets de Tost
Chapel of Sant Climent de la Torre
Chapel of Sant Domingo d'Albet
Chapel of Sant Fruitós de Fontelles
Chapel of Sant Germè de Montan de Tost
Chapel of Sant Jaume de Graell
Chapel of Sant Pere de Somont
Chapel of Sant Vicenç dels Banys de Sant Vicenç
Chapel of Sant Vicenç dels Torrents
Chapel of Santa Llúcia d'Aravell
Chapel of the Holy Cross of Padrinàs
Chapel of the Holy Name of Jesus
Cheese dairy of Rocamóra
Church of El Roser de Peramola
Church of El Roser de la Móra of Cortiuda
Church of Our Lady of El Carme de Montellà
Church of Our Lady of Grace de Cal Boix de Peramola
Church of Our Lady of Hope of Torá de Tost
Church of Our Lady of Sant Mer
Church of Our Lady of the Angels of Oliana
Church of Our Lady of the Conception of Miravall
Church of Our Lady of the Conception of Pujal
Church of Sant Vicenç de Artedó
Church of Sant Andreu
Church of Sant Andreu d'Arcavell
Church of Sant Andreu d'Aristot
Church of Sant Andreu d'Oliana
Church of Sant Andreu del Castell of Oliana
Church of Sant Andreu in the parish of Hortó
Church of Sant Antoni Abbot of Berén
Church of Sant Antoni Abbot of Junyent
Church of Sant Antoni de Colldarnat
Church of Sant Antoni de Pera-rua
Church of Sant Bartomeu de Favà
Church of Sant Bartomeu de Malgrat
Church of Sant Bernabé d'Ares
Church of Sant Bernatbé of l'Alzina d'Alinyà
Church of Sant Climent de Coll de Nargó
Church of Sant Climent de Fórnols
Church of Sant Climent de Saulet
Church of Sant Climent of Cava
Church of Sant Cristòfol of Vinyoles
Church of Sant Ermengol de Pont de Bar
Church of Sant Esteve d'Alinyà
Church of Sant Esteve d'Aravell
Church of Sant Esteve de Alàs
Church of Sant Esteve de Bar
Church of Sant Esteve de Junyent
Church of Sant Esteve de Sauvanyà
Church of Sant Esteve de Tuixent
Church of Sant Esteve de la Guardia
Church of Sant Esteve de les Cases Roges
Church of Sant Esteve del Pont
Church of Sant Feliu of Castellciutat
Church of Sant Fruitós de Carmeniu
Church of Sant Fruitós de Guils del Cantó
Church of Sant Fruitós de l'Espluga of La Vansa
Church of Sant Genís de Tost
Church of Sant Genís of El Querforadat
Church of Sant Girvès de Castellnou de Carcolze
Church of Sant Iscle and Santa Victória de Turbiàs
Church of Sant Iscle de Senyús
Church of Sant Jaume de Llirt
Church of Sant Jaume de Toloriu
Church of Sant Jaume de Tuixent
Church of Sant Jaume de les Casas
Church of Sant Joan Baptista of Castellar de Tost
Church of Sant Joan Fumat
Church of Sant Joan d'Avellanet
Church of Sant Joan de Sobeig
Church of Sant Joan de Solans
Church of Sant Joan de la Freita
Church of Sant Joan de la Penella
Church of Sant Joan de les Anoves
Church of Sant Julià de Solanell
Church of Sant Julià de Taús
Church of Sant Julià del Ges
Church of Sant Julià dels Garrics
Church of Sant Just and Sant Pastor de Cerc
Church of Sant Lluc d'Anyús
Church of Sant Marti de la Clua
Church of Sant Martí d'Adraén
Church of Sant Martí d'Albet
Church of Sant Martí d'Ansovell
Church of Sant Martí d'Ars
Church of Sant Martí de Berén
Church of Sant Martí de Bescaran
Church of Sant Martí de Biscarbó
Church of Sant Martí de Caselles
Church of Sant Martí de Cortiuda
Church of Sant Martí de Montllevir
Church of Sant Martí de Sorribes de la Vansa
Church of Sant Martí de Taus
Church of Sant Martí de Tost
Church of Sant Martí de la Plana
Church of Sant Maximí de Sallent
Church of Sant Miquel
Church of Sant Miquel de Ansamora
Church of Sant Miquel de Peramola
Church of Sant Miquel de les Masies
Church of Sant Miquel del Vilar
Church of Sant Miquel of Serinyana
Church of Sant Pere d'Altés
Church of Sant Pere d'Hortó
Church of Sant Pere d'Os de Civís
Church of Sant Pere de Arsèguel
Church of Sant Pere de Bellestar
Church of Sant Pere de Cassovall
Church of Sant Pere de Cornellana
Church of Sant Pere de Torres de Alàs
Church of Sant Pere de la Vansa
Church of Sant Quiro and Santa Julita d'Ossera
Church of Sant Romà de Banat
Church of Sant Romà de Civís
Church of Sant Romà de Pallerols
Church of Sant Romà de Perles
Church of Sant Romà de Sisquer
Church of Sant Romà de Valldarques
Church of Sant Romà de la Coma
Church of Sant Salvador de Sallent
Church of Sant Salvador del Corb
Church of Sant Sebastià de la Clua
Church of Sant Serni d'Arfa
Church of Sant Serni de Cabó
Church of Sant Serni de Noves
Church of Sant Serni de Sallent
Church of Sant Serni de Seix
Church of Sant Serni de la Salsa
Church of Sant Serni in Vila-rubla
Church of Sant Serni of Ogern
Church of Sant Simó of Castellnou de Bassella
Church of Sant Tirs del Pla de Sant Tirs
Church of Sant Tomàs de Calbinyà
Church of Sant Vicenç and Santa Cecília d'Estamariu
Church of Sant Vicenç de Banyeres
Church of Sant Vicenç de Canturri
Church of Sant Vicenç de les Eres
Church of Sant Victor de Fígols
Church of Sant Vincent de Sendes
Church of Santa Agnes de Farrera de Llops
Church of Santa Cecilia in Vilanova de Banat
Church of Santa Coloma d'Argestues
Church of Santa Coloma de Arsèguel
Church of Santa Coloma de Montan de Tost
Church of Santa Coloma de Vilamitjana
Church of Santa Coloma de la Bastida de Hortons
Church of Santa Creu
Church of Santa Elena de Trejuvell
Church of Santa Eugenia d'Argolell
Church of Santa Eulàlia and Sant Marc de Canelles
Church of Santa Eulàlia d'Asnurri
Church of Santa Eulàlia d'Espaén
Church of Santa Eulàlia de les Anoves
Church of Santa Fe de Guardiola
Church of Santa Llogaia of Bellpui
Church of Santa Llúcia de Tragó
Church of Santa Magdalena
Church of Santa Magdalena of the Cerdà farmhouse
Church of Santa Maria and Sant Bernabé de Josa
Church of Santa Maria de Bassella
Church of Santa Maria de Castell-lebre
Church of Santa Maria de Castellàs
Church of Santa Maria de Remolins
Church of Santa Maria dels Castells
Church of the Purification of Adrall
Citadel of Castellciutat
Cloister of Valira
Closed street of Vilamitjana
Collegiate Church of Santa Maria d'Organyà
Collegiate of Santa Maria de Castellbò
Convent of the Sagrada Família in La Seu d'Urgell
Corral del Corb
Council Hall of Organyà
Cretaceous Observatory
Cross of El Pal de Castellbò
Dam of the reservoir of Oliana
Diocesan Seminary of La Seu d'Urgell
Ditch of Boiga del Gavatxo
Dolmen of Coll de Jovell
Dolmen of Avellanet
Dolmen of Bescaran
Dolmen of Biscarbó
Dolmen of Cap del Bosc del Gascó
Dolmen of Coll Durau
Dolmen of Coll d'Arnat
Dolmen of Coll de Jou
Dolmen of Coll de Pou
Dolmen of Colomera
Dolmen of El Lligonàs
Dolmen of El Solà de la Piula
Dolmen of El cortal de Sant Quiro I
Dolmen of El cortal de Sant Quiro II
Dolmen of L'Oliva
Dolmen of La Guàrdia
Dolmen of La Llosa
Dolmen of Pedracabana
Dolmen of Plan Fornesa
Dolmen of Sarcèdol
Dolmen of Saulet
Dolmen of Solà
Dolmen of Turbiàs
Dolmen of the Molí de Favà
Dolmen of the Serrat de les Cobertrades ridge
Dovecote of Bescaran
Dovecote of Cal Gracio de Castellbò
Dovecote of El Paraire de Castellbò
Dovecote of El Tema de Castellbò
Dovecote of Jovany
Dovecote of Miravall
Episcopal Palace of La Seu d'Urgell
Escaler d'Oliana Library
Espluga de la Bruixa dolmen
Estamariu flour mill
Estamariu mill bridge
Estamariu olive oil mill
Fontanet Bridge
Forge of Romadriu
Former rectory of Valldarques
Former village hall of Oliana
Fountain in the Plaça Major (Main Square) of Tuixent
Fountain of the village of Oliana
Gallows of Castellnou de Carcolze
Headquarters of the Alt Urgell Regional Council
Hermitage of Our Lady of La Guia
Hermitage of Our Lady of the Encounter
Hermitage of Our Lady of the Pieces
Hermitage of Sant Antoni del Tossal
Hermitage of Sant Jaume de Fórnols
Hermitage of Sant Marc de Bellestar
Hermitage of Sant Ponç d'Alinyà
Hermitage of Sant Quiri and Santa Julita
Hermitage of Sant Salvador d'Adraén
Hermitage of Santa Eugina de Solans
Hermitage of Santa Fe
Hermitage of Santa Pelaia de Perles
Hotel Andria
House Ribó de Artedó
House of the hermit of the hermitage of La Trobada
Ice Well of Móra de Cortiuda
Ice well of Arfa
Ice well of Oliana
La Farga de Tuixent mill
La Seu Vella
Large scree of the Serrat de la Moixella ridge
Lluís's Dolmen
Mala Muller bridge
Megalith of El Serrat de l'Ase
Menhir of El Cantó
Menhir of Sant Magí
Milking parlours of El Goleró
Mill of Adraén
Mill of Ars
Mill of Cornellana
Mill of Fórnols
Mill of Soldevila
Mill of the Company of Tuixent
Mills of Carrabina
Mission Church
Monastery of Sant Serni de Tavernoles
Moor's Box of El Cool de Pauet
Moor's Tower of Toloriu
Moors' Tower
Moors' Tower of Peramola
New Church of Sant Serni and Sant Isidre de Cabó
New church of Saint Serni d'Aguilar
Old Church of Sant Climent de Coll de Nargó
Old Church of Sant Pere de Cornellana
Old Church of Sant Quiro and Santa Julita d'Ossera
Old Church of Sant Vicenç d'Estamariu
Old Church of Santa Maria de Josa
Old Montferrer flour mill
Old church of Sant Ermengol de Pont de Bar
Old church of Sant Julià del Ges
Old church of Sant Miquel de Peramola
Old church of Santa Coloma de la Bastida de Hortons
Old council hall of Tuixent
Old fountain of Arsèguel
Old gate del Ges
Old law courts of La Seu d'Urgell
Old school of Vilanova de Banat
Old thermal power plant of Adrall
Old town hall of Castellbò
Old town of Montanissell
Olive oil mill of Fígols
Organyà Cemetery/Saint Christ Chapel
Peramola Bridge
Perforated rock of El Serrat de Trutxeu
Perutxó Tower
Pietat Church (Diocesan Museum)
Pont de l'Hoste d'Estamariu bridge
Porches of the Carrer Major
Porches of the Carrer dels Canonges
Portal of the Carrer Major (Main Street) of Organyà
Portals of the wall of Coll de Nargó
Potato fields of Les Mates de Taús
Querforadat castle
Remains of Aristot castle
Remains of Bar castle
Remains of the Castle of Castellnou de Carcolze
Remains of the Castle of Els Castells
Remains of the Castle of La Guàrdia
Remains of the Pont de Bar bridge
Remains of the castle of El Serrat del Carlà
Remains of the castle of Josa
Remains of the castle of Oliana
Remains of the castle of Sauvanyà
Remains of the castle of Tost
Remains of the chapel of Sant Jaume del Roc de Racons
Remains of the church of Sant Joan de Campmajor
Remains of the church of Sant Marçal de Vima
Remains of the church of Sant Roc de la Farga de Moles
Remains of the church of Sant Serni de Nabiners
Remains of the church of Santa Eulàlia
Remains of the church of Santa Lucia d'Arcavell
Remains of the church of Santa Margarida de Calbinyà
Remains of the hermitage of Sant Honorat
Remains of the monastery of Santa Cecília d'Elins
Remains of the old church of Sant Andreu d'Arcavell
Remains of the priory of Santa Maria de Costoja
Restes de l'església de Santa Eulàlia
Rocaviva Sculpture Parck
Rock paintings of the Roc de Rombau
Roderes de Clarià
Ruins of Cerneres
Ruins of the monastery of Sant Andreu de la Quera
Saint Vincent de Montferrer Church
Sanctuary of Sant Joan de l'Erm nou
Sanctuary of Sant Joan de l'Erm vell
Sant Gil d'Eroles
Scree of Cap del Bosc
Scree of El Cataplà
Scree of El Clot de les Basses I
Scree of El Clot de les Basses II
Scree of El Sarri
Scree of El Serrat dels Quadrats
Shrine of our Lady of Boscalt
Solsona tower
Stable and haystack of Cal Llibertat of Castellciutat
The "Pontarrons"
The Deanery
The Devil's Bridge
The Hill
The Measures
The Plana Bridge
The Sign
The Tower Bridge
The former Gate of Andorra
The former church of Els Dolors
The former church of La Immaculada
The former church of Sant Agustí
The former church of Sant Domènec
The former church of Sant Martí of Ansovell
The former cloister of Sant Domènec
The former municipal slaughterhouse of La Seu d'Urgell
The old rectory of Bar
The stronghold of Vinyoles
Tomb of the Serrat de Malpàs ridge
Tombs of Coll de Mur
Tower of the tossal of Badés
Tower of the village of Valldarques
Town Hall of La Seu d'Urgell
Trenches of El Serrat de Sant Marc
Walls of Oliana
Walls of Peramola

Fires festes i mercats

"Trementinaires" fair
Adrall Town festival
Adraén town festival
Aguilar de Bassella town festival
Alinyà town festival
Altés town festival
Alzina d'Alinyà town festival
Alàs town festival
Anserall town festival
Ansovell town festival
Aravell town festival
Arcavell town festival
Arfa town festival
Argolell town festival
Aristot town festival
Ars town festival
Arsèguel town festival
Artedó town festival
Asnurri town festival
Bar town festival
Bassella town festival
Bellestar town festival
Bescaran town festival
Cabó town festival
Calbinyà town festival
Canonges Medieval Market
Castellar de Tost town festival
Castellbò town festival
Castellciutat town festival
Castellnou de Bassella town festival
Castellnou de Carcolze town festival
Castellàs del Cantó town festival
Cathar Market
Civís town festival
Coll de Nargó town festival
Cornellana town festival
Cortiuda town festival
El Boscalt
El Castell d'Oliana town festival
El Ges town festival
El Pla de Sant Tirs town festival
El Pujal de Cabó town festival
El Querforadat town festival
El Vilar de Cabó town festival
Els Garrics town festival
Els Hostalets de Tost town festival
Els Prats de Sallent town festival
Espaén town festival
Estamariu town festival
Fair of artisanal cheeses from the Pyrenees of Castellnou de Carcolze
Fair of la Vall
Festa Major de Cerc town festival
Font Bordonera
Fígols town festival
Fórnols town festival
Gavarra town festival
Griu fair - Autochthonous handicraft
Guils del Cantó town festival
La Clua town festival
La Farga de Moles town festival
La Guàrdia d'Ares town festival
La Parròquia d'Hortó town festival
La Seu d'Urgell market
La trobada
Les Masies de Nargó town festival
Lla Seu d'Urgell town festival
Mare de Déu de Segars
Mare de Déu de les Peces
Mirambell town festival
Montanisell town festival
Montant town festival
Montferrer town festival
Mountain Fair and Festival
Noves de Segre town festival
Nuncarga town festival
Ogern town festival
Oliana Market
Oliana town festival
Organyà Market
Organyà town festival
Ossera town festival
Peramola town festival
Pont de Bar town festival
Pyrenees Book Fair
Sanllent de Montanissell town festival
Sant Andreu d'Organyà fair
Sant Ermengol Fair - Artisanal Cheeses from the Pyrenees
Sant Jaume
Sant Joan Fumat town festival
Sant Joan de Montanissell
Sant Joan de l'Erm
Sant Marc
Sant Marc de Fórnols
Sant Martí
Sant Miquel de les Masies
Sant Quiri
Sant Salvador
Santa Fe
Santa Pelaia
Sisquer town festival
Sorribes town festival
Taús town festival
Toloriu town festival
Torres d'Alàs town festival
Torà de Tost town festival
Tots Sants d'Oliana fair
Tragó town festival
Tuixent town festival
Valldarques town festival
Vilamitjana town festival
Vilanova de Banat town festival
Ós de Civís town festival

Historical episodes

Arsèguel Siege
Attack against Bishop Ponç de Vilamur at Guils del Cantó
Battle against the Maquis at Cerneres
Bombing at the Adrall Thermal Power Station
Capture of Castellciutat Castle during the Carlist War
Castellciutat Siege in 1713
Castellciutat Siege in 1875
Clandestine Crossings along the Border with Andorra
Closure of the Monastery of Santa Cecília d'Elins
Conflict over the Borders between Alàs and Torres and the Tradition of the "Falles" (burning logs)
Conflict over the exploitation of wood in the mountains of Alinyà
Consecration of the Romanesque church of Sant Serni de Tavernoles
Construction of Aristot Castle
Construction of Montferrer Castle
Construction of the Bastida d'Hortons Fortress
Construction of the Camí dels Pontarrons route
Construction of the Castle of Arfa
Construction of the Fourth Cathedral of Urgell
Construction of the Rialb Reservoir
Cortiuda Judgement (1024)
Creation of the Asbestos Mine and Prison Camp at Taús
Creation of the Banys de Sant Vicenç Spa
Creation of the Sant Joan de l'Erm Ski Slopes
Death of Bishop Ermengol at Pont de Bar
Death of the Count of Spain
Death of the Inquisitors at Castellbò
Demolition of Castellbò Castle
Destruction of Tuixent in 1834
Destruction of the Old Part of Pont de Bar in the Floods of 1982
Detection of the Phylloxera Plague at Vilamitjana
Discovery of the Homilies of Organyà
Discovery of the mural paintings of Sant Vicenç d'Estamariu
Dismantling the Castle of Nargó Castle
Fire at La Seu d'Urgell in 1362
Fire at Peramola during the Spanish War of Succession
Fire at Sant Víctor de Fígols (1834)
Fire at Santa Maria d'Organyà (ca. 1090)
Fire at Tuixent in 1719
Fire at the Shrine of Sant Joan de l'Erm
Foundation of the Pia School at Oliana
Founding of the Cadí Cooperative
French Siege at La Seu d'Urgell (1691)
Grievances of Guitard Isarn de Caboet
Inauguration of the Hermitage of Sant Antoni
Inauguration of the Oliana Reservoir Dam
La Seu d'Urgell as a 1992 Olympic Games sub-venue
Landslide and Disappearance of the Hostal dels Esplovins
Last Trip of the trementinaires
Looting of the Urgell Cathedral in 1196
Mercè Rodoreda’s stays at Coll de Nargó
Organyà Condominium
Pallars Front at Sant Joan de l'Erm
Posthumous Condemnation of the Viscounts of Castellbò at Costoja
Querforadat Siege
Route taken by Julius Caesar in the expedition against Pompey in Ilerda
Sentencing of Bishop Felix of Urgell
Siege of Pla de Sant Tirs Castle (1277)
Spanish Civil War outbreak at La Seu d'Urgell
Urgell Regency


"Round" Phoenician juniper of Santpere de Canelles
Alinyà valley
Banana trees in the Passeig Joan Brudieu
Black pine on the El Coscollet path
Black pines of Santa Fe
Bordes de Civís
Bordes de Sorri
Boter de Santa Maria
Box of L'Aiguaneix
Box tree at Boscalt
Box trees at the Bordonera spring
Box trees at the Cal Bitllar spring
Cade juniper in the oak grove of Els Vilars de Valldarques
Cade juniper of La Móra at Cortiuda
Cade juniper of Sant Gil d'Eroles
Cade junipers at Cal Bernadí at Cortiuda
Cade junipers of Fenollet
Cade junipers of Sant Ponç
Cade junipers of Santpere de Canelles
Cade junipers of the shaded area of Alinyà
Cade junipers of the sunlit area of Sallent
Camí de les Fonts trail
Castellbò Valley
Castellnou de Carcolze
Caves of Ormini
Cedar at Cal Cerdà
Cedar in the Parc del Cadí
Chestnut tree at Sobre Cerc
Chestnut tree in the El Pui wood
Chestnut tree of Ca l’Arnau
Cliffs of Valldarques
Coll de Creus pass
Coll de Mu pass quarry
Common holly of L’Aiguaneix
Corb Rock
Downy oak of Alinyà
Downy oak on the Santpere path of Canelles
Downy oaks and evergreen oaks of Sant Ponç
Downy oaks of La Borda del Vilar
El Baridà from Aristot
El Baridà from Arsèguel
El Baridà from Pont de Bar
El Baridà from Toloriu
El Cadi Sierra from El Boscalt
El Cadí Sierra from Arsèguel
El Forat del Bulí gorge
El Segre Park
Elder in Carrer Perafita
Elder of Fórnols
Evergreen oak at Cal Gaspar
Evergreen oak at cal Molines
Evergreen oak at the Mas d'en Pere
Evergreen oak at the Servera pass
Evergreen oak at the shelter on the Pla de Tolustre
Evergreen oak grove of Cal Cotet
Evergreen oak grove of L'Hortó
Evergreen oak grove of La Plana
Evergreen oak near the El Cortal stream
Evergreen oak of El Boix
Evergreen oak of Potrony
Evergreen oak of Vinyoles
Evergreen oak on the path to Serinyana
Evergreen oak woodlands of Turbiàs
Evergreen oaks at Cal Bernadí at Cortiuda
Evergreen oaks of Cal Cubilar at Les Anoves
Evergreen oaks of Cal Gilet in the Vall del Mig
Evergreen oaks of Cornellana
Evergreen oaks of Pampalona
Fir trees of Sant Joan de l'Erm
Five-branched pine at L'Orri
Geology and the Cathedral birds
Holly trees at the El Cebre spring
Italian maple of Cal Coma
La Vansa valley
La Vansa valley from the Coll de Bancs pass observation point
Large pine at L'Orri
Linden trees in the Passeig Pasqual Ingla
Narieda rock and crag
Nettle-tree in Carrer Albert Vives
Nettle-tree of Ogern
Nettle-tree on the drovers' route from La Seu to Arfa
Oak and evergreen oak of El Pujol
Oak at El Ges
Oak at El Rodat
Oak at L'Ensolella
Oak at La Creu
Oak at La Moixa
Oak at the Les Poses animal pen
Oak grove of El Vilanova
Oak groves at Vilanova de Banat
Oak in the El Galí field
Oak in the field at El Serrat del Bosc
Oak of Cal Bullic of Cabó
Oak of Capdevila
Oak of L’Oliva
Oak on the El Rossell embankment
Oak on the Fontanet d'Ogern plains
Oak on the Santpere path of Canelles
Oak tree At La Torrentada
Oak tree on the Costa del Lladrer hillslope
Oaks at the beginning of the Les Cases trail
Oaks of Argestues
Oaks of El Torrentill
Oaks of El Trillar vell
Oaks of Galleuda
Oaks of Guàrdia
Oaks of La Canaleta
Oaks of Les Cases
Oaks of Sorribes
Oaks on the La Cervera hill
Pallerols Valley
Pear tree at the Era field
Pear tree of Cal Bernadí
Pear tree of Cornellana
Pena rock anticline
Pine tree at Cal Mallol
Poplar at Vima
Poplars in the Parc dels Enamorats
Port del Cantó pass
Prat Major
Prat Major pool
Roc de Rombau
Sallent valley falls
Sant Honorat Rocks
Scots pine at Vima
Sequoia in the cementery
Serra del Cadí from Cava
Serra del Cadí from Vilanova de Banat
Serra del Cadí from the Turó Galliner
Serra del Cadí uplands from El Querforadat
Shaded area of La Cadolla Verda and Urdiet
Sierra of Sant Joan
Small-leafed oak at Cal Torrent at Cortiuda
Small-leafed oak of Ca l’Agustí on the Pla de Tolustre
Small-leafed oak of Eroles
Small-leafed oaks and evergreen oaks of Cal Pla at Les Anoves
Small-leafed oaks of Cal Roi of Sallent
Small-leafed oaks of Els Vilars de Sallent
Small-leafed oaks of Els Vilars de Valldarques
Small-leafed oaks of Remolins
Small-leafed oaks of Santaeulària
Small-leafed oaks of the Toneta hollow
Small-leafed oaks of the sunlit area of Sallent
Tarter dels Minairons scree
The Aroma Park
The El Valira and El Toll del Bressol parks
The River Segre and its fauna
The countryside and birds of prey of the Urgellet plain
The night sky from the Urgellet plain
Urgellet Plain from Santa Maria de les Peces
Walnut tree at the Masia de Taús farmstead
Walnut tree of Cal Galan on the Pla de Tolustre
Walnut tree of Cornellana
Willows at the River Calor
Witches' hats of Cal Quimesó
Woods of Sant Joan de l'Erm
Yew trees at Sant Domènec

Summits and hills

Agulla Encantada
Alt de Comapedrosa
Alt del Covil
Bony Moscater
Bony Xic
Bony d'Ensiula
Bony de Calama
Bony de Mollet
Bony de Mossers
Bony de Quíxol
Bony de Salambó
Bony de Serena
Bony de Trescul
Bony de l'Home Mort
Bony de l'Ós
Bony de la Caubera
Bony de la Costa
Bony de la Culla
Bony de la Pica
Bony de la Socarrada
Bony de la Torredella
Bony del Covil
Bony del Fener Gran
Bony dels Llorers
Cap d'Avemaria
Cap d'Urdet
Cap de Baladredo
Cap de Boloriu
Cap de Boumort
Cap de Carreu
Cap de Juverri
Cap de Pla Redon
Cap de l'Estany
Cap de l'Obaga de Companys
Cap de l'Obaga de la Fenosa
Cap de la Canal de l'Ordiguer
Cap de la Costa
Cap de la Costa Verda
Cap de la Devesa
Cap de la Fesa
Cap de la Gallina Pelada
Cap de la Guàrdia
Cap de les Pintes
Cap de les Roques de Solduga
Cap del Boix
Cap del Bosc de Baén
Cap del Bosc del Pui
Cap del Bosquet de Lluçà
Cap del Pou de Gel
Cap del Roc
Cap del Solà
Cap del Verd
Cap dels Obacs
Cogulló de Sant Quiri
Coll Bataller
Coll Estremer
Coll Jovell
Coll Marí
Coll Peixader
Coll Piquer
Coll Virolet
Coll d'Aigua
Coll d'Ares
Coll d'Arnat
Coll d'Arques
Coll d'Eres
Coll d'Escala
Coll d'Estovau
Coll d'Oruga
Coll de Bancs
Coll de Bescansia
Coll de Bigues
Coll de Boix
Coll de Buc
Coll de Bura
Coll de Burbre
Coll de Bóixols
Coll de Caborriu
Coll de Castellàs
Coll de Cintó
Coll de Ciutat
Coll de Comiols
Coll de Conflent
Coll de Conseu
Coll de Cristià
Coll de Dalt
Coll de Déu
Coll de Fau
Coll de Finestres
Coll de Fumers
Coll de Josa
Coll de Jou
Coll de Jovell
Coll de Laquell
Coll de Leix
Coll de Llangostó
Coll de Llitze
Coll de Llívia
Coll de Maçana
Coll de Midós
Coll de Mola
Coll de Mont-ros
Coll de Montaner
Coll de Mu
Coll de Mur
Coll de Paller
Coll de Pendís
Coll de Pimés
Coll de Pou
Coll de Pradell
Coll de Prat
Coll de Prat Porceller
Coll de Pratprimer
Coll de Queralt
Coll de Sant Joan
Coll de Santandreu
Coll de Se
Coll de Seix
Coll de Serreïnes
Coll de Solanell
Coll de Terrers
Coll de Vanses
Coll de Veis
Coll de Veça
Coll de Vista
Coll de l'Albo
Coll de l'Estalella
Coll de la Barra
Coll de la Basseta
Coll de la Cadolla Verda
Coll de la Cirera
Coll de la Coma de Turp
Coll de la Cort
Coll de la Creu Negra
Coll de la Creueta
Coll de la Creueta de Boumort
Coll de la Culla
Coll de la Font d'Aristot
Coll de la Gavardella
Coll de la Moixa
Coll de la Móra
Coll de la Nou
Coll de la Plana
Coll de la Posa
Coll de la Trava
Coll de la Travessa
Coll de la Via
Coll de les Basses
Coll de les Bassotes
Coll de les Fonts de Bescaran
Coll de les Iglésies
Coll de les Illeres
Coll del Grau
Coll del Llop
Coll del Pes
Coll del Portell
Coll del Roc Picó
Collada Ampla
Collada d'Algeric
Collada d'Anell
Collada d'Arcavell
Collada d'Ares
Collada d'Aubenç
Collada de Cal Penya
Collada de Canòlic
Collada de Cosconera
Collada de Falcó
Collada de Lletó
Collada de Manyiula
Collada de Músser
Collada de Pelat
Collada de Pillat
Collada de Pratnavall
Collada de Roc Sobirà
Collada de cal Reboll
Collada de l'Estany
Collada de la Borda
Collada de la Creu de Ferri
Collada de la Torre
Collada de les Forques
Collada de les Tores
Collada del Calçó
Collada del Cornet
Collada del Jep
Collada del Sarset