The Alt Urgell County Council has obtained financing with European ERDF funds for the CAMINA PIRINEOS programme, which consists of the creation of a network of paths on demand as a tool for ecotourism positioning in Alt Urgell.

Within the project, the action in axis 4 has proposed investments in support infrastructures, especially parking areas that serve both to increase the number of visitors in motorhomes and to improve access to existing resources, improving the ecological conditions of the parking space and providing, ordering and regulating access to public use of spaces or facilities to facilitate the visit and discovery of the natural values and the whole environment.

The locations and proposed sites for the motorhome parking areas have been agreed with the relevant local councils in accordance with the availability of municipal land and the need to organise and regulate access to the areas of interest for the promotion of tourism in each area, which are described for each site, and in accordance with access to the minimum necessary water and electricity supply services, provided that this is economically viable.

The motorhome parking areas are listed below: