Camina Pirineus has carried out the installation and construction of new viewpoints in the region, an action that is justified by the existence of many places with a high landscape and natural value that currently do not have any infrastructure to enjoy them. By installation, we mean the installation of the minimum amount of material necessary to make the point of the county's network of viewpoints. By construction, we mean the preparation of the land and the erection of a more or less complex structure and a signpost to promote the observation, interpretation and enjoyment of the natural environment. Three categories of new viewpoints have been established:
  • Summits

    Located at the top of the most famous peaks of the region's geography, from the highest peaks to the most significant from a geographical, hiking and sporting viewpoint.

  • Panoramic

    Located in places of high scenic value due to the presence of remarkable natural and cultural elements (water, rocks, mountain ranges, forests, villages, etc.) and at the same time easily accessible by vehicle.

  • Balconies of the sky

    Located at the points of the main road accesses that offer the most spectacular views of the region. They are considered the "star" viewpoints of Alt Urgell.

  • Adapted viewpoint

    Located in places of high scenic value due to the presence of remarkable natural and cultural elements (water, rock, mountains, forests, towns,...) and at the same time easily accessible by vehicle.